I got my confirmation and assignment yesterday for the Boston Marathon, not to run it but to work it. I have been assigned to the Finish “Sweep Team” according to the website this consists of grabbing people in need of medical attention as they finish the race an getting them to medical attention in the treatment areas.
“Sweep Team - Finish
Meeting Place: Auditorium, John Hancock Hall
Expected Duration: 8:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M.
Captain: Michelle Kanavos, MS, APN, BC, LCCE, FACCE
A medical sweep team is responsible for coverage of a large area that includes Boylston Street and the surrounding side streets. This team of 110 medical personnel will bring in runners who encounter difficulties after completing the race. Patients are transported in wheelchairs or on medical golf carts through a dedicated medical lane.”
Meeting Place: Auditorium, John Hancock Hall
Expected Duration: 8:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M.
Captain: Michelle Kanavos, MS, APN, BC, LCCE, FACCE
A medical sweep team is responsible for coverage of a large area that includes Boylston Street and the surrounding side streets. This team of 110 medical personnel will bring in runners who encounter difficulties after completing the race. Patients are transported in wheelchairs or on medical golf carts through a dedicated medical lane.”
In order to work this area you must be medically trained and since I am currently a certified Emergency Medical Technician I qualified.
I have never actually been to the Boston Marathon and cannot tell you how excited I am to be able to not only be there but to be able to work at the finish line. This should make for a great blog post after the race.
Remember, Everything Always Looks Better After a Run,
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