So I did it today, I hired a fitness coach.  Thinking back to when I started this running thing about a year ago, I had no idea where it would take me.  Honestly I thought it would take me  down the road a few times until I was sick of it and back on the couch I would go.

 I can remember year after year making that resolution to start running only to completely chicken out because I was worried what people would think.   They would look at this fat awkward old man thinking who are you kidding, nice try.   So year after year went by letting my fears of how my running would be received by my friends and the stranger that drove by.

Finally I did it and took that first step using the couch to 5k program and it was hard., but I pushed through.  I finally got bored of music as my runs got longer so I looked for something else and discovered podcasts which brought me into the Runnet community.  I have never met a better group of people anywhere. The immediately accepted my as a member, a friend, and most surprisingly a runner. I then started this blog and my own podcast FishaDad Podcast and immediately I had subscribers and I am sure they are both nice people.  But why did they care what I have to say.  Finally came the ultimate complement, I have a few friends approach me and ask for help in starting running.  Wow, to have someone ask me, what an honor.

In the last few weeks I have really taken things to the next level, I purchased a Garmin to more accurately measure my runs, signed up for a Half Marathon and ran 13.1 miles just for fun, and most recently hired a fitness running coach (Coach Jeff) from  I really think in a lot of ways I have stepped up to a new level and find myself again looking out the window, scared and wondering am I good enough.  Time will tell but I will never know if I don't try.

Remember Everything Always Looks Better After A Run!!!

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